So here it is. The plain and simple truth that my family and I have been trying to avoid facing; my dog Runner has cancer, and he is going to die. The vets said today that he really donesn't have much longer. I'm not sure if that's day or weeks. He is in so much pain, and he's coughing up blood. The poor dog can barely walk around the house. It's so hard to see my best friend whom we've had since we moved to this town suffer so much. We're giving him pills to ease the pain, but it's inevitable - we must put him down soon. I love this dog like my own child. I hate this. I hate hate hate this.
Hey hun. We put my dog max, biffle of 11 years down last fall while i was at schoo. Its like you growup with him, then bam, before you know it, life is coming to a close. i didnt get to say goodbye, i was stuck at school. Enjoy the time left, make him the delightful snacks he should have, but deserves, and exspress that love to him. He'll feel it. When it comes down to it, yes, putting him down so he doesnt suffer has to happen, but know you made the last few days or so as peaceful as possible. if you need anything hun, know i am here for you.