Monday, July 20, 2009

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and so the whole world is going blind.
Orange creatures are crawling out of tanning salons, beds breeding more of their clones, bringing back the age old dilemma of marketable skin color. Put a price on insecurity and feed it to the hungry consumer. Make her believe she is flawed and unwanted, she'll spend it all. && when her life is cast aside whilst she clings to your products, she will still look in that mirror and wish she could airbrush the emotion out of her newly crafted body that she wears so well. Pluck her, wax her, apply age elixir and lie, but soon enough she will catch her true reflection in a stranger's eyes and cry out in horror because she is no longer human, she is mannequin.

When color becomes a profit;
I would rather be translucent.

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