Wednesday, August 26, 2009

More ahht. (:

Okay. So I painted both of these last night after I got in from hanging out with my friends Kelly and David, and my boyfriend John. Whenever I am with Kelly I feel so inspired to do something creative and meaningful, and I would hope that shows in these two paintings. The first one is definitely something different, but still going with my theme. This piece, to me, shows that love is timeless and can be found between all ages. However, it also shows that love can be real and true enough to last from ages 16 - 80. I really honestly believe in true love and soul mates because of my boyfriend's parents, Denise and John Sr. They are so perfect for each other, and they are high school sweethearts. Just looking at them, you can tell that there is no better match for either of them. I hope John and I can have that.
Alright, so the second piece is slightly more strange, but I love it anyway! I'm not even sure if it has a meaning or message (shame on me, eh Ryan?). It looks like a night scene, but I painted the sun. I think it has something to do with God, or some creator. I don't call myself a Christian, or any other worshiper, but I do believe in ultimate creation. If I had to pick apart this piece for a meaning, I suppose it would be that most search for a sign from God, but in their quest for something obvious, they miss the little messages sitting under their feet.


  1. I dunno how these comments work, I haven't ever posted one before O:
    But the second one kind of looks like the view from a windo, and someone coming up from exploding volcanoes?
    But I really don't know. Just my opinion.

    And if you're not Em and you read this, I'll kill you if you follow my blog. Not for you to read.
