Friday, August 28, 2009

Broken anthem.

It is a waste of time trying to please everyone. Simply because you cannot please everyone. I used to give a damn about what people thought about me, said about me -- oh Lord I was so vulnerable. And then, my mother let me down worse than ever before. I stopped caring when she stopped promising. Since then, I have changed. I have given up on achieving something without flaws, but in return have found something perfect, something to call 'safety'. I have found a few hearts to hide my fears in. My best friend, Mary, who has been with me through all 4 years of High School, has shown me what sisterhood looks like. Even when I fuck up, she's there to wipe away my tears as she conceals her own. God bless her. And my boyfriend, John. He saved me from a self-inflicted disease I'd like to call pity. I never miss a day of thank-yous for having him in my life. So many people have helped me discover who I am, and I'm finally at peace with myself. I don't doubt my feelings anymore, and I appreciate everything I am given. But most importantly, I am thankful for what I wasn't given. People who have everything handed to them are not people, they are empty useless shells. My life is filled with little blessings. And I will continue to accept each day like it is my last, because eventually, it will be.

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