Sunday, October 25, 2009

Until We All Burn

It's October 25th and I am still asleep.

I think things are supposed to change for people around this time of year. In New England, the leaves change colors and fall off of the trees, leaving the trees exposed. What do we shed? What changes with humans? Is it physically noticeable? Recently I have felt a stronger sense of independence and responsibility. Applying to college is a ridiculous amount of stress. Time is forced through a small hole when you have deadlines. Deadlines. Dead. That's how I end up by the time they are met.

I miss having the time to live. I miss playing and napping and dilly-dallying. I miss summer more than anything. All of these things are common, because they all involve one thing; childhood. When did I let that go? If I could tell little Emily anything, it would be to slow down and take everything in. That's the problem with present times. We rush far too much. Our bodies can't keep up with our brains. It's unhealthy to live like this.

1 comment:

  1. true that girl. i feel the same way. but older emily is glowing and she cant wait to embrace how amazing she really is.

    NO DOUBT <3
