Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Some people worry about the smoke
instead of putting out the fire.

(: just a little ray of sunshine

This is why people need to enjoy life.

I was at this little playground behind one of the elementary schools in my town with my friend Megan, and this lovely man just came putting down the hill with his metal detector. He was a very simple man, by the looks of him, and minded his own business while me and Megan carried on our conversation. I hope he doesn't mind that I sniped a picture of him, as I am currently feeling like a creeper for doing so. He made my day. I think what this man represents is the simple pleasures in life, and the fact that we tend to overlook the little treasures hiding under our busy days. He certainly taught me to never leave a patch of land a mystery. Thank you Mr. Anonymous. You are a beautiful soul.

You're a vile one...

You're the queen of sinful thoughts.
Your heart's a dead tomato splot
With moldy purple spots, Medusa.

Your soul is an apalling dump heap overflowing
with the most disgraceful assortment of deplorable
rubbish imaginable,
Mangled up in tangled up knots.

You nauseate me, Medusa.
You're a three decker saurkraut and toadstool sandwich
With arsenic sauce.

Dr. Suess understands.

Monday, June 29, 2009

it's so frustrating.

Today I got into a massive screamfest with my younger brother. He kept saying how he can't talk to anybody in this house and how everything is so difficult for him. I understand that I can be ridiculously bitchy to him sometimes, but I never thought it really impacted him so much. I feel like a terrible sister. I know how I have always wanted an older brother or sister to look out for me and make me feel better when situations get rough, and I think Sam wants the same thing.

I really don't know how I am going to go about fixing this, because it's going to take more than a couple days to resolve.

Sunday, June 28, 2009


I know I'm going to get some cool points taken off for this, but I'm still an in-the-closet Green Day fan. And I love their new album. Their lyrics have always been awesome.

Listen please:

Hey, at least it's not Coldplay. (:

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

one last thing

This is for John. (:

il est beau

When my lips touch yours tiny electric shocks send waves of happiness down my spine. And when I awake from the kiss, your glass eyes send messages from your heart. They are received by my humble smile, and replied with an embrace. This is my favorite form of instant messenger.

a little reflection

Hurting somebody is by no means impressive. I myself am guilty of threatening others in order to make myself seem strong. I’ve looked upon my past experiences, and I have come to realize that the one who insults and harms the other is truly the weakling. Discrimination in any form is something to be ashamed of. When you talk down to somebody or exclude them, you only make them want to blend in more. In this society, being unique is frowned upon. Modern obsession with the latest clothes, hair, make-up, and body fuel the cloning machine. It is becoming very rare for a person to be known for their individuality, rather than their appearance. Maybe the next time you make somebody embarrassed or ashamed of whom they are they may not even try to blend in. They may just disappear.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

rant - humans

Some humans are wicked. Their tainted hearts pump venomous blood through their bodies. Anger and wretch seeps from the pores in their skin. Their vision becomes impaired when something flares their tempers. Bad intentions sweep good judgement away, and often times, enemies end up pale-faced. And so the demons recede from fingertips and the human's soul returns. What awful, vile creatures humans are.

No one morns the wicked.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Cœur Confession

Je suis en amour avec ce garçon.

the ink plague

It's unbelievably frustrating. I am suffering a case of writers block. I can feel words emerging from my brain and fighting to be put into phrases. My fingers are battling with each other to scribble or type anything with substance and meaning. It's not a lack of inspiration, just a lack of motivation. I've tired out my usual topics, and I am searching for something natural, something I know about. But maybe that's the thing -- I never look for fires, they usually spark themselves.

I always write best when the weather is poor, or when I feel energized by something frustrating. Right now, the only thing that's frustrating to me is my hair. I know, how vain. I used to write about how much I hate fake, vain girls. Maybe I've become one of them. I never wanted to blend in. However, I've become a chameleon.

blooming retina

Your eyes are like sea glass, so weathered and worn
From all they've seen of adolescence torn.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

That's disgusting.

When I look at you, this is what I see. You're absolutely repulsive, and so is your behavior. I cannot wait until karma bites you in the ass.

Beatrice the tortoise

This morning I woke up to my dad telling me to come over to the window in the hallway and look outside. Still groggy and a bit irritated, I stumbled over my piles of clothes and looked outside to please the man, (seeing as it is Father's Day). On my front lawn, there was this beastly creature laying her eggs in the dirt where my dad had been treating for grass to grow. Delighted by his discovery of this beast, my dad then told me to grab my camera and take some snapshots of this event. So I take my camera and take some shots of the turtle laying her eggs. About 3 hours later, she's done. The neighbors come outside, still dawing their pajamas, and bring their children to witness the departure of the creature we've come to call Beatrice.

So now, I have turtle eggs burried in my front yard by the roadside. This will not end well, my friends. Lawn mowers, tires, or predators will determine the fate of these turtles. My mother, however, has vowed to protect them -- from one mother to the next, if you will.